Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Behind closed doors.

We judge. We see others and we judge books by there covers. We judge as though we know this person. As though we know what goes down behind closed doors but we don't. We think that because people have new nice things that there lives are perfect when in reality they could be the worst there is. Don't judge people even if you know the situation because in the future it could be you. They probably never thought it would be them either but look at where that landed them.

Hold my heart.

One who truly holds my heart. One who truly heals my wounds. One who truly gives me direction when I can not see. One who truly gives me words to speak. One who truly judges me. One who truly cares for me. One who is truly there through thick and thin. One who is truly there when you have nobody else to turn to. In troubled times. In happy times. In times when you are lonely and just need a person to cry to or talk to. One person whose judgement hurts and one who can see who you truly are no matter how hard you try and hide. One who knows the real story. The true behind the scenes of it all. My love. My Savior. My inspiration. My tour guide through life. I will love you forever. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for everything you risked for me. I love you.