Friday, August 6, 2010

The art of loss.

Loss. Deprivation from failure to keep in your possession. Losing something is one of the hardest things. Losing a loved one. A pet. A best friend. A love. Something close to your heart. You really don't pay much attention or bother caring until it isn't there any more. We take advantage of the things we have in the worst way. then when it's gone we realize we never had the chance to say goodbye or I love you. Not much of an art I suppose, but more of a mistake. People tend to be selfish with out realization or knowledge that we are doing so because it is just part of us. It is just going through the motions in our day to day lives. I honestly can't tell you how to fix this. I am trying to do that for myself. I just write what I realize and you read it. I hope to get a reaction out of you but I don't know what you truly do think of it all. All for now.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Kenni, I agree we all take way too much for granted. I know I have lost loved ones I would certainly treat differently if I had the chance. Nothing was intentional I just never thought about losing them or really how I felt about them till it was too late.
