Haven't written in a while, lets come back with a BANG!
Love, a word. A description. A chemical reaction in our brains. We think its this amazing feeling we get within our hearts when really its just a mere obsession in our minds. You don't fall in love, you just become used to the person, mentally or physically. I love you. Three small words that can often make a person melt. Three small words that are supposed to show what you truly mean to someone. Three small words that can fall apart in just a matter of seconds. I wish I knew the meaning of what these words were really supposed to mean. What am I supposed to feel when I hear these three small words spoken to me? Something, maybe nothing maybe it's just as easy as saying I loathe you. Maybe someday we will know our hearts true desire. Love is a chemical reaction in our brains. We can fall in love with the smallest things. For some women it's chocolate, for some men it's sports. For me? Well I haven't found what I love exactly but in the future I hope it is as true as they say it is.
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