So many people in the world are followers. Following the latest fashion trend, getting the latest app., being what others expect you to be. I refuse. I am me plain and simple, I come with a label that says 'take me as I am or don't take me at all.' It's amazing what people will do in order to fit in. Girls are wearing tight shirts and skinny jeans just so that the "in" crowd will like them and maybe if they're lucky they might get invited to sit with the pretty girls. I don't see the point in this. Becoming friends with people who are faker than plastic just so that you can feel what they think is cool. Well really it isn't all it's cracked up to be! Trust me, I know! I've been in the same position to want to fit in, be cool, dress in Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch. I decided that it is way to much work, why go through all that when you can have real friends who you don't need to change for. Be original, be creative, do something that nobody would ever expect. Be the person you were made to be, not what other people want you to be. People are being conformed to this world, to what others strive to make it, what is that? Perfect? Well they're a long shot away from that. Shoot high because you can make it no matter who you are!
Be you<3
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