Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Next Best Thing

New things. New trends. New friends. New clothes. New star. New enemy. New crush. New infatuation. New fight. New gossip. New queen bee. New kids. New pet. New anything. What happens after these things become old. There comes along a new something else. A newer new. Something old can be something new to you. We throw out old things and bring in new things because we become bored or tired of the old new. Why? Why do we become infatuated with newer things instead of the old we should be thankful for. I do not criticize if this is what you do because I do the same. It is something I will never understand along with many other confusing things that come along. But all I mean is why do need new things? Why is that new cell phone all we think about? Why do we only want the next best thing? Is it because the old things aren't good enough anymore, maybe. I don't know the answer so I leave you with that.

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