In life, people come and go but friends stay forever. They are there through thick and thin. When you need them. When fights bring you closer together, and sometimes distance can be for the best. With out friends, where would you be in life. A friend is a person who supports your craziest decisions. Someone you can tell anything to and know for a fact that it will stay between the two of you. Someone who will forever stay in your heart no matter how far apart you are. I would be nothing without my friends.
I have come to a block in the road. I look to others for help but I feel that nobody can help me but myself. I wish I could find the courage to look beneath all the layers that I have put up to block out the people who matter most. Friends help me peel back the layers but sometimes I feel that I will never get past the last layer. The last layer holding me back from being all that I can be. Well I hope to find someone to peel back that layer without fear of what the will see but who knows?!

I'm out.
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