There are times in our lives when we need inspiration. In hard times. In lazy times. In bored times. Or even those times when you are trying to find the words to describe that one guy or girl who makes your heart pound out of your chest every time you receive as little as a text. Any ways, I am here to say that the inspiration you need is in you. If you look into your heart you can find all the inspiration you need. The inspiration to start doing what you truly love to do. Or even the inspiration to what your heart has been longing to do but couldn't find the courage to do so. Listen to your heart, it knows what's best for you. My inspiration comes from myself but I also call out to others to write about what inspires them. My inspiration comes from experiences. I wish I had more experience, more cool things I could write about, but I don't so day by day I write what inspires me and hopefully it will take me far.

One that inspires me. Inspires me to write. Inspires me to sing. Inspires me to laugh. Inspires me to do great things. Inspires me to be me no matter what life throws my way. I love this girl for everything. She is my true bestfriend, and I will never leave her side.

I'm out.