Watch people on the street. Observe their every move. Predict what they will do next. Discover who they really are. They could be just like you. They could be broken hearted. They could be young and in love. They could be on the verge of going crazy. They could have lost a loved one recently. The could have a newborn waiting for them at home. They may not have a home. Billions of people walk this earth yet we have no idea who they truly are. We have no idea where their light truly shines. We have no idea whether or not their light went out a long time ago. All we know is that these people are somehow the same as you. They have in some way experienced what you have experienced. Look at people on the street and look past their looks. Past the falseness, past the uncleanliness, and past the skin. Look deep within them, look into their soul. This person has a heart that beats for something, discover what that something is.....
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