It is always your time. You just need to figure out which time is right for you.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Fresh Start in 2011
In 2010, Beauty was wearing tons of make-up, darkening your eyes to look older, to be more sophisticated. Popularity was giving in under the pure pressure, trying the drug, drinking just a little more even though you had to drive or that you would suffer the consequences when you hit home, hit reality. Style was the tightest, most ripped pair of jeans, style was trying to impress that boy, hoping that maybe he would notice you. We spent our money on stupid things that we thought would make us what? Cool? Well half the time you spent on all that work and usually nobody ever noticed any of it. All that work for nothing. In 2010 we wasted our tears on boys who weren't worth it. We gave up what was ours so that someone else could be happy. What about your own happiness? It went out the window a long time ago. Hmmm I'm thinking that it's time for 2011. A new start. A time to be yourself. Stop trying so hard for that boy who will end up being a douche bag in the end. Stop making yourself unhappy for other peoples' sakes. Be who YOU are and not what people expect from you. There's my inspiration for now. I haven't written in a while and that's all I got.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Behind closed doors.
We judge. We see others and we judge books by there covers. We judge as though we know this person. As though we know what goes down behind closed doors but we don't. We think that because people have new nice things that there lives are perfect when in reality they could be the worst there is. Don't judge people even if you know the situation because in the future it could be you. They probably never thought it would be them either but look at where that landed them.
Hold my heart.
One who truly holds my heart. One who truly heals my wounds. One who truly gives me direction when I can not see. One who truly gives me words to speak. One who truly judges me. One who truly cares for me. One who is truly there through thick and thin. One who is truly there when you have nobody else to turn to. In troubled times. In happy times. In times when you are lonely and just need a person to cry to or talk to. One person whose judgement hurts and one who can see who you truly are no matter how hard you try and hide. One who knows the real story. The true behind the scenes of it all. My love. My Savior. My inspiration. My tour guide through life. I will love you forever. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for everything you risked for me. I love you.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
There's first times for everything. First kiss. First high. First lie. First hicky. First drunken story. First fight. Firsts enchant our lives. Everyday we do something that we haven't don before. We only live once so maybe our first could be our last. Carpe Diem if you know what I'm saying. Make your first happen before that first is gone forever. Make it last, make it memorable. Ask that girl out on a date even if you need to explain it. Shoot when the time is running out. Leap when the ledge may not catch you. Skinny dip. Do whatever it takes. Live this life while it's still yours! <3

Haven't written in a while, lets come back with a BANG!
Love, a word. A description. A chemical reaction in our brains. We think its this amazing feeling we get within our hearts when really its just a mere obsession in our minds. You don't fall in love, you just become used to the person, mentally or physically. I love you. Three small words that can often make a person melt. Three small words that are supposed to show what you truly mean to someone. Three small words that can fall apart in just a matter of seconds. I wish I knew the meaning of what these words were really supposed to mean. What am I supposed to feel when I hear these three small words spoken to me? Something, maybe nothing maybe it's just as easy as saying I loathe you. Maybe someday we will know our hearts true desire. Love is a chemical reaction in our brains. We can fall in love with the smallest things. For some women it's chocolate, for some men it's sports. For me? Well I haven't found what I love exactly but in the future I hope it is as true as they say it is.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back when I was a little kid on the playground, I remember making friends in an instant. If you were the new kid you were popular, everyone knew who you were. Now it seems as if you are the biggest outcast. Everyone has there own cliques, groups, and friends. It can be one of the most difficult things to do in your life. Back when you were a kiddie, it seemed as if the only drama happening was who stole who's crayons, not really but that is how it seemed. Now it is as though there are people talking about anything and everything going on. It's as if everyone talks about other peoples' problems to cope with what is truly going on in their lives. I think that if people knew the true stories behind all this gossip, then they would probably think twice before opening their big mouths. Or perhaps it wouldn't stop them at all, perhaps they would just go along telling other peoples' stories in which aren't actually theirs to tell. Hmmmm ask yourselves, what would you do?
'Gossip, gossip shhhhhh shhhhh.'

Friday, August 6, 2010

Religion. A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. So many, some different, some similar, and some out of this world. Religion can be a big topic in conversations. Have we ever come to an understanding on just one? No we have not. We argue often with people whose beliefs are different than ours. Why argue, because deep down we wish they would finally come to their senses and agree with you, or is just because it's something to keep the conversation going? I wish that we could all agree on something but it is impossible so they say, but maybe one day...
The art of loss.
Loss. Deprivation from failure to keep in your possession. Losing something is one of the hardest things. Losing a loved one. A pet. A best friend. A love. Something close to your heart. You really don't pay much attention or bother caring until it isn't there any more. We take advantage of the things we have in the worst way. then when it's gone we realize we never had the chance to say goodbye or I love you. Not much of an art I suppose, but more of a mistake. People tend to be selfish with out realization or knowledge that we are doing so because it is just part of us. It is just going through the motions in our day to day lives. I honestly can't tell you how to fix this. I am trying to do that for myself. I just write what I realize and you read it. I hope to get a reaction out of you but I don't know what you truly do think of it all. All for now.
Friday, July 30, 2010

You may not realize it, but everyone has secrets. Everyone has something going on behind closed doors. Everyone has something that they have sworn to themselves never to let out. Everyone has that one thing or several things that are scratching at their core to be let out but you just keep it held back, keep it so that no one will ever know. Some people have secret identities. Some have family secrets. Some have illegal secrets. Some even have secrets that are unknown to themselves. I say that secrets are over rated but truth be told, I have them too. I challenge you to tell your secret, post a secret. Do the unthinkable and see the reactions you get. How many will actually take this challenge upon themselves.......That's for you to decide. That is all for now.
Inspired by: Lisa Shae Johnson.
Somewhere in the world someone is dying. Probably someone who doesn't deserve to die. Somewhere in the world there is someone killing. Someone insane who can't find anything better to do than ruin other peoples' lives. Somewhere in the world someone's heart is breaking. Probably someone who doesn't deserve a broken heart. Somewhere in the world there is a person breaking a heart. Someone who can't find it in themselves to love and be loved, or someone who has moved on. Somewhere in the world someone is being born. Probably to be given the perfect life, so everyone hopes. Somewhere there is a mother giving birth to a human perfect in her eyes. Somewhere in the world there is someone meeting up with an old friend because somewhere along their crazy lives, they lost touch. Somewhere in the world there are two young kids becoming best friends, just hoping that they will be there through thick and thin. Somewhere in the world there is someone tying the knot because they are ready to be stuck with only one. Somewhere in the world there is someone regretting the time they lost, the time they could have had. Stuck in a position impossible to escape. If only you hadn't taken that step, hadn't done that one thing that ruined your life. Time is wasted, time can't be taken back. Somewhere in the world there is something happening that is changing lives.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
What is normal?

We go around calling people odd. Calling people weird. Calling people unusual. What exactly is normal, or natural? We have been going around like this for so long that we probably don't actually know what normal is any more. The dictionary says that normal is the conformity to standard or common type. Would you want to be conformed? Would you like to be unique? I would pick unique. I would rather be weird than conformed any day, wouldn't you? That's your own question to answer. Society expects us to be a certain way, have a certain attitude towards things. Why? Is it so that we will all be the same. No thank you my dear. I suppose it is for you to decide what your fate is and I will see. If you choose normality, I will have troubles understanding why but I guess it's not for me to judge you. I hope you choose correctly for yourself. That is all for now my lovess, come back for more please.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
We Smile.
We smile for different reasons. We smile to hide our true feelings. We smile to show that we are happy. We smile when we are surprised. We smile at good news. We smile to hide our fear. We smile to show love. We smile at things we hate. We smile when we plot revenge. It takes twenty-two muscles to smile and thirty-seven muscles to frown. Which would you choose. Smiling gets you through things, so do friends. They both help you realize that there is more to life than sitting around sulking on what could have been or what was. Smile for your self even when you don't even want the world to see what you are truly feeling inside. Show off the fact that you are better than any rumor. Better than anything that gives you a reason to frown. Show the world what you can be.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Next Best Thing
New things. New trends. New friends. New clothes. New star. New enemy. New crush. New infatuation. New fight. New gossip. New queen bee. New kids. New pet. New anything. What happens after these things become old. There comes along a new something else. A newer new. Something old can be something new to you. We throw out old things and bring in new things because we become bored or tired of the old new. Why? Why do we become infatuated with newer things instead of the old we should be thankful for. I do not criticize if this is what you do because I do the same. It is something I will never understand along with many other confusing things that come along. But all I mean is why do need new things? Why is that new cell phone all we think about? Why do we only want the next best thing? Is it because the old things aren't good enough anymore, maybe. I don't know the answer so I leave you with that.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Looking for fame.

I am unknown. Ask anyone on the street and they would have no idea who I truly am. I open up to very few, and very few know my true self. I have my problems but that doesn't have to do with the fact that I am unknown. I have flaws. I have beauty, it may not be the beauty you expect but it is true. People in my life come and go and I wonder if one day I will be known. I think that would be quite cool. Who knows when or where there will get there fifteen minutes of fame or if they will come at all. I pray, I hope, I wish for fame each day. Will it ever come? Will my one wish ever night at 11:11 come true. When a shooting star passes over my head, will that wish come true? We wish for him. We wish for a one shot chance at fame. We wish for our problems to go away. Will any of them every come true? We like to hope they will, but who really knows. Maybe when they come true it was just going to happen any ways. Maybe our wishes are wasted. I don't know, these questions are for you to answer for yourself. Think about it.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Looking past.

Watch people on the street. Observe their every move. Predict what they will do next. Discover who they really are. They could be just like you. They could be broken hearted. They could be young and in love. They could be on the verge of going crazy. They could have lost a loved one recently. The could have a newborn waiting for them at home. They may not have a home. Billions of people walk this earth yet we have no idea who they truly are. We have no idea where their light truly shines. We have no idea whether or not their light went out a long time ago. All we know is that these people are somehow the same as you. They have in some way experienced what you have experienced. Look at people on the street and look past their looks. Past the falseness, past the uncleanliness, and past the skin. Look deep within them, look into their soul. This person has a heart that beats for something, discover what that something is.....
We Fear.
We fear many things. We fear love. We fear new starts. We fear hatred. We fear gossip. We fear heights. We fear each other. We fear anything and everything that we have yet to understand and know. We fear things because we have no knowledge of these things, because these things somehow intimidate us. We all have our fears. I say to replace your fear of the unknown with curiosity. Let it intrigue you instead of scare you. Fear is just a mere fragment of life, why let it stop you? Dare to experience the unthinkable. Never forget the things you once feared but in the end just happened to conquer. So I leave you with this: do not fear the unthinkable. Instead conquer the unthinkable fear.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
In search of a heart!
I'm looking for a heart. A heart that beats for only only one. A heart that has been hurt to many times to count. A heart that got lost along the path of finding a love that is pure and true. I'm looking for a heart that is broken. A heart that needs fixing. A heart that I have the patches for. It is a heart that is looking for me. It is a heart that has lost the ability to love yet wants to learn again. This heart is like a bomb and it finally went off. I'm looking for all the pieces yet I keep coming up short. Help me find this heart of his so I can mend it back to perfection, so that it can build up all its love for me. This heart has lost all care in the world, it only beats to stay alive. I think that once I find this heart, I will fall in love with with it. It won't break my heart because it knows the pain of it all. It will love me back. It will never hurt me or lie to me or deceive me! It will be perfect and unharmed. Everything will then be bliss.<3
Going back!

If I could go back in time when I was just a little girl, I would do it the right way. I wouldn't have slept with gum in my mouth. I wouldn't have told on my brothers without know that payback would be a bitch. I wouldn't have argued with my parents. I wouldn't have been so cruel to my kindergarten crush. I probably would have learned from my mistakes rather then keep making them over and over. Maybe I would have learned that as I got older the punishments would have gotten worse, from a mere reprimand to a full bar of soap in your mouth with a glass of milk to stop the bubbling! Ewww. Yea knowing what I know now would have gotten me far. I would have been a little genius tyke that knew the most, I would have been the kid to be moved up a few grades. Wow well I'm going off track! Anyways, If you could go back and change your life, would you? I know I wouldn't. I know that I have learned, I know that I have changed, and I know that my mistakes were for the better. I live with out the regret of making those mistakes because I know that I wouldn't be who I am without making those mistakes. I am honest. I am who I am. I am who God wanted me to be. I am me! Deal with it! ha Peace out!
Monday, July 19, 2010
I sit here waiting each day, for that one thing. The one thing, the something, the anything. Just something that will come and change my life, change the world, make things perfect. Who am I kidding myself? Nothings going to come along and make things perfect, Nobody is going to come along and change everything, change me, for the better. I guess I am who I am and I have to accept that, they (whoever they are) need to accept that. I am not going to be changed. I wait, for those first time experiences. The first love, the first high, the first sickness after acting out. Why wait? Why have the expectation of anything, if you have expectations, things turn out bad or unable to be done, at least that's how I see it. If you expect your true love to come along than it is less likely to happen because when your not looking he may just come sweep you off your feet. You set expectations each day that might as well seem pointless. I do not see the reason why we have them when in the end we are disappointed because the expectations in our head just happen to be way larger than anything likely to actually happen. So just live life don't expect, things may surprise you.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Be Original!

So many people in the world are followers. Following the latest fashion trend, getting the latest app., being what others expect you to be. I refuse. I am me plain and simple, I come with a label that says 'take me as I am or don't take me at all.' It's amazing what people will do in order to fit in. Girls are wearing tight shirts and skinny jeans just so that the "in" crowd will like them and maybe if they're lucky they might get invited to sit with the pretty girls. I don't see the point in this. Becoming friends with people who are faker than plastic just so that you can feel what they think is cool. Well really it isn't all it's cracked up to be! Trust me, I know! I've been in the same position to want to fit in, be cool, dress in Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch. I decided that it is way to much work, why go through all that when you can have real friends who you don't need to change for. Be original, be creative, do something that nobody would ever expect. Be the person you were made to be, not what other people want you to be. People are being conformed to this world, to what others strive to make it, what is that? Perfect? Well they're a long shot away from that. Shoot high because you can make it no matter who you are!
Be you<3
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Miracle of Life.

When you think about it, life is a crazy thing. Where we come from, how we got here. The adventure people embark on, to raise a life from birth to adulthood. Funny thing that I bet you never think about is how much pain our mothers went through. Crazy that when we join this world, we are oblivious to everything going on around us. Whether the mother was dieing, screaming bloody murder hoping maybe someone will come sooth her cries instead of her babies. Or do they only think about the fact that she just created a living being, something that will grow in front her very eyes. The love of a child is much stronger than the love of anything else, so I here.
It amazes me. The miracle that some go there whole lives without thinking about it. What would we do without our mothers? The brave ones who would probably risk there own lives to save us. There are new mothers that need our prayers everyday, keep them in mind because a miracle is happening. Pray for strength, courage, health, anything that comes to mind.
All that I have for you.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Summer Is In.

Hot summer days. Warm star filled sky nights. Pure bliss, the feeling when you get when you start up that first tan of the season. The love of a cannon ball splash on a hot day. Oh summer days. The days you look forward to all winter long and when they are finally here you can't wait to spend them with the loves of your life. Music turned up loud on the stereo hoping that people will notice you! The sunshine beating down on your skin. Forever kissed by the sun. Night walks when it feels as though the sun is out beating down but instead it is just hiding behind the moon and every so often if your lucky and don't blink it shoots out a ray of light. Aw shooting stars. The suspense of your wishing coming true, the one in a million shot at that wish actually happening. When that wish comes true your heart can't help but pound out of your chest. Aww summer, when it ends we wait for it to come back again, the bittersweet ending. Dreading back to school yet happy to get out of the heat. Farewell tan, farewell long night walks and talks, farewell sunshine of mine. Hello friends, hello books, hello fall, winter, and spring.
I'm out.
Friends are Forever.

In life, people come and go but friends stay forever. They are there through thick and thin. When you need them. When fights bring you closer together, and sometimes distance can be for the best. With out friends, where would you be in life. A friend is a person who supports your craziest decisions. Someone you can tell anything to and know for a fact that it will stay between the two of you. Someone who will forever stay in your heart no matter how far apart you are. I would be nothing without my friends.
I have come to a block in the road. I look to others for help but I feel that nobody can help me but myself. I wish I could find the courage to look beneath all the layers that I have put up to block out the people who matter most. Friends help me peel back the layers but sometimes I feel that I will never get past the last layer. The last layer holding me back from being all that I can be. Well I hope to find someone to peel back that layer without fear of what the will see but who knows?!

I'm out.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Inspiration Comes From Within
There are times in our lives when we need inspiration. In hard times. In lazy times. In bored times. Or even those times when you are trying to find the words to describe that one guy or girl who makes your heart pound out of your chest every time you receive as little as a text. Any ways, I am here to say that the inspiration you need is in you. If you look into your heart you can find all the inspiration you need. The inspiration to start doing what you truly love to do. Or even the inspiration to what your heart has been longing to do but couldn't find the courage to do so. Listen to your heart, it knows what's best for you. My inspiration comes from myself but I also call out to others to write about what inspires them. My inspiration comes from experiences. I wish I had more experience, more cool things I could write about, but I don't so day by day I write what inspires me and hopefully it will take me far. 
One that inspires me. Inspires me to write. Inspires me to sing. Inspires me to laugh. Inspires me to do great things. Inspires me to be me no matter what life throws my way. I love this girl for everything. She is my true bestfriend, and I will never leave her side.

I'm out.

One that inspires me. Inspires me to write. Inspires me to sing. Inspires me to laugh. Inspires me to do great things. Inspires me to be me no matter what life throws my way. I love this girl for everything. She is my true bestfriend, and I will never leave her side.

I'm out.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Truth be told.
One thing in life that most people have yet to learn is to be truthful. The truth can be brutal. It can be inspiring. It can even sometimes be adjusted. We find our way to peoples' hearts usually by telling them what they want. Am I right? I believe I am, you may have a different opinion but that's for you to share. Telling the truth can be scary, but isn't it for the best that we tell it. Who exactly knows? We lie to get ahead of our enemies. We lie to look good. We lie because we fear what our punishment will be. We lie so that the ones we love will stay by our sides. Sometimes it is best to lie. Everyone lies in different ways, who's to judge others before they judge themselves. Look in the mirror at your own reflection before you start looking for other peoples' flaws. Yes, I am being harsh but I am also being truthful. When were people first told to lie? When was it that people decided to stop being truthful and start telling people what was best for their hearts to here instead of the logic of it all? Tell me did it all start first with Adam and Eve or did the truth have time to age? I believe that people never did actually give it time. I'm not saying that I'm perfect and don't lie, I'm just asking why? Why do we lie to ourselves and to others? Food for thought, tell me what YOU think.

That's all for today.
I'm out.
"Be your own inspiration" <3

That's all for today.
I'm out.
"Be your own inspiration" <3
Striving to be
I strive to be a writer. Not just any kind of writer, but an inspirational writer to lift peoples' spirits. To make them believe that anything is possible. That if you strive to be you can be. I want to write books that make you fall in love with every character because they are each unique in there own way.
I strive to be an artist. Not just any kind of artist, but a music artist. You know, the kind that can write songs all day until their fingers get numb and just can't write any more. I want to be deep. I want people to buy tickets to my concert to see me perform. I would like those once in a lifetime experiences that nobody else would have any sense to write about, until it came their way. Music is a way of life. If you choose that way of life and make it you are one of the lucky few. That is why I'm sitting here only striving to be famous. But the thing I have not been doing is believing and trying to be that great artist I need to let myself be.
"Never think of yourself as an icon, instead, do what you were made to do."
All the inspiration I have for now.
I'm out.
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